Understanding the Top Challenges of Expense Management

At the macro level, there’s a lot affecting businesses when it comes to expense management. For example, international expansions and globalization are two elements that are influencing expense management, and also making these costs rise in many instances.

Expense management tips

According to the Global Business Travel Association, there will be an estimated four percent increase in costs this year, and businesses need to be prepared to address this general challenge, as well as many others.

One of the best ways to address most challenges of expense management is to choose the right expense report software. Along with keeping costs in check, the following are some of the other challenges businesses need to realize they’re likely facing, as they select expense management software.…

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Top Contract Management Tools for SMBs

When you’re running a business, it’s vital that you create contracts carefully, so so issues crop up in the future. While once entrepreneurs had to spend huge amounts of time preparing and issuing contracts, today, due to technology, there are all sorts of excellent tools available that make the process quicker and easier.

Contract management tools

Read on for some top contract management tools you can use plus some tips for selecting which is right for you.

Exari Contracts

When you’re after an easy-to-use contract lifecycle management tool, one for the top of the list is Exari Contracts. Its dashboard is user-friendly and makes it simpler for people to generate and manage self-service contracting.…

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How to Spread The Word About Your Sports Team

The main role of any player on a sports team is to go out there and give it 110%. But there are other roles that teammates have, roles that happen off the court, field and ice that shape the success of the team.

Soccer team marketing

One of those roles is promotion, helping to spread the word about the team. Here’s how to do it effectively.

First thing first: Why promotion?

Promotion is important on two different fronts: firstly, it helps get butts in seats at the games (which is arguably the main reason people play), and secondly in improves fundraising chances. With that in mind, this article will look at how a sports team can spread the word.…

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The Link Between Customer Training and Satisfaction

The Harvard Business Review published a report on customer satisfaction a few years back. In their report, they analyzed the customer satisfaction ratings of a telecom major that was grappling with a 50% dissatisfaction rating.

Customer onboarding

Upon further investigation, the researchers found that new subscribers rated the company either on the very high side (9 or 10), or extremely poorly (1 or 2). Analyzing the reports, the researchers found the answer – backend employees in charge of installing the line were not incentivized to fulfill orders on time. When subscribers did not get their new connections on time, they rated the company low on satisfaction.…

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Expanding at a Cost: 3 Important Things to Know About Financing Equipment

Businesses need to grow, right? The entire reason for a business to exist is providing a needed service or product, so of course they need to grow! The problem is growth costs money, and money is finite. Some businesses have their cash tied up on things like inventory and running costs. So, what’s the solution?

Financing business equipment

The obvious one is a business loan. Taking out a business loan is a great way to provide funds for growth. The problem is that traditional loans are tied to your earnings, which could limit the amount available to you. That’s where your business assets can come in, with something called asset based lending.…

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What are The Benefits and Pitfalls of a Small Business Loan

Despite the many challenges involved in running a small business, it is also an exciting time. There’s so much room for potential, and different aspects of your industry to explore in your business’ development. However, if you’re to drive your business forward and ensure a tangible presence in your local area, raising capital is an absolute must.

One way of achieving your short and long-term goals is by applying for a Small Business Loan. So to help you make an informed decision, here’s what you need to know about Small Business Loans.

Small business loan

What should I do before applying for a small business loan?

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Your Business and Inspiring Social Change

Everyday people form the backbone of charitable giving in the USA, but business is a driving force behind that, with the National Philanthropic Trust finding that charitable business assets totaled $85bn. A clear sign of the importance US corporations place on philanthropy, these numbers only increase as foundations like the Gates’ influence smaller companies. What, exactly, motivates business to give money away to those less fortunate?

Charity partnership

Brand and reputation are linked to charity but that’s not the only reason. It seems counterintuitive also to give money away freely, so money might not be the benefit. Instead, look at the stories of philanthropy, and how they inspire social change; in the end, everyone is benefited, including the business.…

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How to Choose a Perfect Accounting Software Program for Your Business – 5 Tips

Accounting has come a long way in the past few decades. It wasn’t all that long ago when the most reliable method in keeping track of income and expenses involved a paper ledger and pencil. With the arrival of new technology, computers have taken the work out of figuring out the numbers and bookkeeping has become much easier as a result.

Businesswoman using accounting software

With the creation of accounting software, any size business can use it and features include far more than calculating the bottom line. These software programs offer options that include forecasting, inventory management and so much more. But how do you choose the right one?…

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How Contractors Can Help Their Customers Find Financing Options

One of the problems with contracted jobs is the cost. Now really, the cost isn’t the actual problem, it’s the sticker shock your customers get when they find out how much their project will cost. They simply aren’t prepared to face a $10,000 or $20,000 (or more) price tag and immediately have second thoughts.


So what can you do about this? One way to help is to make it clear there are ways to finance the job available and you can help them use one of them. Then when you get to the price tag you can fill them in with some of those options.…

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Different Types of Commercial Burglary Explained

There are no sure ways to prevent commercial burglary but there are ways to reduce the risk considerably. Before investing in the latest security systems, it is very important to know the different types of commercial burglary.

Commercial burglar

The City of London Police categorises commercial burglary into the following types:

Smash and grab

These burglaries literally involve smashing – typically the windows – and grabbing the most valuable items. According to the City of London Police, the so-called ‘smash and grab’ burglaries may also involve stolen cars being driven into the premises so that the burglars can force themselves inside and get away as soon as possible.…

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