Getting the Green Light: 6 Ways to Improve Your Chances of Being Approved for a Loan

A lot of people feel nervous asking for money, even if it’s a lender’s livelihood. We can usually chalk this up to uncertainty regarding whether or not we’ll be approved. If you’re in need of a loan, you might understand that getting approval can take time. It’s a hassle to spend all of that time waiting, only to be denied.

Taking loans

If you want to go into the loan approval process with greater confidence, there are several ways to make it happen.

1. Check your credit

It would be unreasonable to predict how to the loan approval process will go without checking up on your credit.…

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5 Ways Employee Scheduling Software Makes Life Easier

In 2017, there were more than 80 million hourly workers in the US alone and since you’re reading this, some of those people might be working under your employ.

Using scheduling software

Whether you have hundreds of employees or just 10, keeping track of each and every employee can become a headache in the long run. And it’s not like you can skip on such an important activity. Every business needs to look after their employees’ work hours, leaves, overtime and so much more and if a business fails to do so, it can lead to dissatisfaction among employees, increased turnover and ultimately a loss to the business.…

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5 Reasons to Take Business Letterhead Printing Seriously

A few folks are still skeptical about the role of custom printed materials such as letterhead and stationery for their business. In their mind business letterhead, printing is not much more than window dressing — something nice to have, but not an essentially critical part of your business.

It’s almost like arguing that brushing your teeth is a good thing, but not really essential to for day-to-day living – it can be true, but why would you want to not brush your teeth? Not only will you be a social pariah, but you will risk developing serious health issues in no time.…

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How Much Should You Be Spending on Personal Loans?

People around New Zealand can find personal loans with various values attached to them. Some loans may be worth thousands of dollars depending on what they are for. But while it can be inviting to find personal loans with great values attached to them, anyone who wishes to take out a loan must be aware of the value associated with the loan.

Personal loans

You have to avoid spending too much on personal loans. There are a few things to see when looking at how much you need to spend when getting your expenses in check. These relate to several points associated with your loan and the value you are taking out on that loan.…

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3 Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting Your Business Entity

Starting a new business venture is extremely exciting. However, if you are like most entrepreneurs, setting up the legal structure of your new business is less than thrilling.

Choosing the right business entity

You may be tempted to avoid the issue completely, or to choose your legal structure based on a friend’s advice. The problem with this is that they may not really know what they are talking about.

As a small business owner, you may hurt yourself and your new business if you don’t fully understand the basics of business entities and how to choose the right business structure.

If you want to make sure you choose the right business entity, then be sure to avoid the mistakes listed here.…

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Your Business Needs to Be Listed on These 6 Cost-Effective Directories & Social Platforms

Does your business suffer from under-listing?

If you feel like your marketing team is doing everything right and still failing to produce the results you (think) it deserves, perhaps you’re not speaking to the right crowd.

Business platforms for marketing

Make that crowds, actually. See, Internet users aren’t monolithic. Just as every independently owned business has a unique mix of customers and fans, every social media platform and business directory has a slightly different mix of users and viewers. Your company — and its principals, in many cases — need to get in front of as many different groups of said users and viewers as its resources allow.…

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What Businesses Stand to Gain From Switching to Solar

Solar power is still today sometimes considered an out-of-reach notion, something that is for the privileged few and not widely available. However, this could not be further from the truth in today’s market of eco-warriors and global energy-saving goals, solar power is becoming a viable option for businesses everywhere.

Solar energy for business

When it comes to improving your business you can do no better than to begin considering the benefits of solar energy. The reason for this is simple. Companies stand to gain a great deal from making the switch to solar energy, not only in terms of savings but also with regard to company image.…

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The Ever-Changing Role of Software in the Business Landscape

Software’s evolution has transitioned from a data mining platform to marketing insights and as we are all familiar with – accounting software. These days, it has advanced to a more holistic solution for small business owners – vital for survival in an ever changing and competitive marketplace.

Businesswoman using business software

Small businesses must try and become more frictionless and efficient within their internal ways of working. Software programmers and brands now realise they need to deliver beyond software, providing more options to support small businesses as a whole, allowing employees to become more productive with less error.

The right software equals success

Empowering a small business to follow and chase their passion is good for business.…

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Website Needs a Blog

If you’re looking to boost your organization’s digital website, then blogging is a good way to steer your research efforts. Building a business blog for your website is beneficial in many different ways for your organization.

Business blogger blogging

You may not see the picture clearly, right now, but blogging has the potential turn visitors into conversions. Here is a quick breakdown of a few of the many perks you can reap by building a solid business blog.

The opportunity for extra information

When you have a blog included in your business website’s design, you have added opportunity to display more information about your organization.…

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4 Challenges Facing Small Manufacturers in America

Whenever you hear about the decline of manufacturing in advanced economies such as the United States, its usually in the context of the dwindling fortunes of giant conglomerates. Yet, the struggle is worse for small manufacturers as they are unlikely to have the same depth and breadth of options that large corporations do.

Manufacturing worker

The following are the major difficulties persons venturing into small manufacturing in the US must be prepared to deal with.

Dearth of Skilled Workers

Manufacturing companies rely on skilled workers to perform tasks ranging from configuring automation systems to welding. Unfortunately, the decline in manufacturing has created a vicious cycle whereby fewer people are interested in skilled trades due to the lower prospects of gainful employment.…

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