4 Health and Safety Tips for Small Construction Companies

Whether you have recently started your small construction company or have been well-established for some time, health and safety should always be a top priority. Not only can overlooking health and safety bring about disastrous consequences for you and your team, it could also get you into a lot of legal trouble, including fines that will quickly take a large chunk out of your profits.

Construction worker

We’ve looked at some of the key health and safety considerations that every small construction company should focus on.

1. Personal Protective Equipment

Whether you are working at height or operating potentially dangerous equipment, investing in the right personal protective equipment (PPE) is a must.…

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Identifying All Responsible Parties in Car Accident Injury Claims

When you think of a car accident, you are might be tempted to believe that there can only be one at-fault person, but this is a common misconception. Oftentimes, more than one individual is been at-fault in an accident. Failing to identify each at-fault party can be a very costly mistake in many instances. If you’re uncertain about the fault, a car accident attorney can review your case.

Car accident

Why Identifying All Parties is Important

Florida law requires an owner or operator of a vehicle to carry at least $10,000 worth of personal injury protection (PIP) insurance coverage, pursuant to F.S.627.733(1), but $10,000 dollars of PIP coverage will only pay for a fraction of the medical bills incurred by an injured driver in a serious auto accident.…

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5 Ways a Customer Data Platform Makes Your Business More Efficient

Think about the way you currently shop; maybe you see something you like in a shop window, research it online, add it to your basket and then forgo checking out in favour of picking it up next time you walk by the store. Most shopping experiences are a variation on that kind of process as the days of simply going into store and buying an item are long gone.

Customer data platform

Consumers want additional information prior to making purchasing decisions and the method of purchasing has also become more fluid: home or work computer, phone, tablet, in store. This presents a challenge to marketers as capturing the customer at different parts of the customer journey grows more complex, seemingly by the minute.…

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4 Smart Strategies for Managing Small Business Taxes

There is a big difference between being a business owner and being a smart business owner. The latter has a much better chance of success if they follow a few simple tax strategies. It may be confusing, but the decisions you make now regarding your business taxes could mean the difference between an exciting, bright future filled with growth, or a much darker future riddled with regret and failure.

Small business taxes

Keep Those Receipts

Receipts create a snapshot of your financial year, a tangible record of how you spent your money. All these receipts you’ve been keeping may also represent a taxable income offset: possible tax deductions for goods and services.…

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How to Maximise the Benefits of a Business Loan

With regard to managing small or startup businesses, there is a lot that a business loan can do for that process. However, applying for a loan isn’t something that you can take lightly. While you might have an idea of where and how you want to use your newly acquired resources, being efficient is essential if you’re going to make the most out of your easy business loans.

Business loans

It directly ties to the many legitimate reasons why you would want to apply for a loan in the first place. It’s all about taking advantage of the opportunities in front of you.…

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How to Start a Blog in College

Whether it is a blog about college or not, many college students have recently seen starting a blog as a good idea. Many people who order custom essays are doing so for their blogs, because the dame time constraint swhich work with their actual education also apply here.

College blogger

Having a blog in college means another opportunity to learn how to write, and to do so in a much wider context than might otherwise be afforded by their education. A college student blog is a way of sharing how you see the world and yourself, and it can be a valuable tool for showing how college students grow and change through their various experiences.…

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Tips for Writing an Effective CV

A CV is short for Curriculum Vitae, an order of your working life. A CV (short CVs are preferred) is something that you give to prospective employers to show previous work, and to give some idea of your personality.

CV writing

A CV is the first thing many prospective employers see when they advertise for a new worker, so it is very important that people make their CV the best it can be. This is the main reason why so many writing sites – such as Perfect Essays– offer CV writing services. They can provide one which ticks all the required boxes.…

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Top Gifts for a Budding Entrepreneur

Passing out of grad school is one of the most exciting moments in anyone’s life. It is the time when one transition from a purely academic to organizational experience and is almost bracing up to take up their dream jobs.

Graduating from business school is one of the most significant milestones that one achieves after years of academic struggle and hard work. Whether it is your child, a close friend or a loved one, when someone attains a milestone he deserves appreciation and celebration of his achievement.

Gifts for graduates

One of the best ways to celebrate such achievements is by rewarding them with a memorable present.…

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Tips on Finding the Ideal Investment Property

Over recent years, many people have made a lot of money from investing in property. For many, the ability to buy a property at a low cost, get it fixed up, and then rent it out to others for a monthly income has enabled them to make property investment a full time career and a very lucrative one at that.

Choosing investment property

With the right choices and a little business acumen, you can go a long way in the property market as property is something that is always in demand.

Of course, if you want to truly benefit from this type of investment you need to make sure you choose the right property, which isn’t always as easy as you may think.…

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Three Tips for Reducing Your Small Business’ Everyday Operating Costs

When it comes to improving your business’s profitability you have three choices: Sell more, increase your prices or cut your costs. Put that way, it sounds like a statement of the glaringly obvious, but it is surprising how many businesses focus like mad on the first to while paying very little attention to the third.

Cutting costs for increasing profitability

Here, we take a look at three areas every business should focus on that will help them get the optimum bangs for every buck.

1. Automate your processes

The technological world moves quickly, and any business with established internal procedures is liable to stand still and be left behind.…

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