How to Use Storytelling to Raise Conversion Rates

Many experts agree that telling your business’ story to customers helps them learn more about you and make you more personable. However, several marketing studies show that customers are not only more likely to ‘buy’ what you are selling if you attach a story to that item.

Indeed, storytelling has proven effective at improving marketing strategies, for everything from boosting purchase cost and rate to increasing conversion rate.

use story telling to increase sales

Need some proof? Sure – you don’t have to purchase research paper on the topic; just try google it. For example, a study by Origin tested a group of 3,000 consumers by presenting each with a different product page for a bottle of wine; one that contained the typical product description with notes of flavor and a second that told the story of the winemaker who produced the bottle.…

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Sophisticated Simplicity – 3 Businesses That Excel With Everyday Products

The world seems to get more mind-boggling by the minute.

And as we’re bombarded with info on Bitcoin, AI and complex computing algorithms, it’s easy to forget that it’s often the simplest ideas, developed to make life more stress-free, that stand the test of time.

Jack Russell and his toilet paper rolls

But a lot of smart thinking powers the popular, practical and straightforward products we use in homes and offices.

So it’s worth digging a little deeper into this sophisticated simplicity by looking at three businesses that excel with everyday products.

1. Numatic International Ltd

Vacuum cleaner brand Numatic International Ltd might not ring any immediate bells — but there’s a good chance you’ll recognise Henry the Hoover.…

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Who You Gonna Call? Essential Services UK Startups Should Use

In many ways, starting and growing a business is a lot like hitting puberty. Decisions get made erratically, unexpected periods of growth and change take place, you’ll often find yourself getting angry for no reason, and will often need to depend on others as you fight your way through unknown territory. But, you aren’t a stroppy teenager (unless you’re a teen wunderkind reading this, in which case we apologise). As an adult running a business, you have a sense of perspective teenagers do not.

Essential services for startups

And, unlike being a full of teenage hormones, you should have a huge range of contacts to keep you afloat when it looks like your new UK-based business venture is turning sour.…

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CEO Interview: Ofer Tirosh, Tomedes Translation Agency

Ofer Tirosh has been running a successful, global translation agency – Tomedes – for over ten years. Today, he has taken time out of his busy schedule to share his experience with SMBCEO readers.

Translation service

1. When did you set up Tomedes and why?

I established Tomedes back in 2007. I had previously worked for several global companies and had noticed a gap in the market for high quality translation and localization services. At the time, the existing solutions for large companies’ translation needs were archaic and out of sync with the diversified and challenging localization needs of organizations in the today’s digital world.

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How Police Officers Keep Businesses Safe

Businesses need to be safe and secure in order to properly serve their customers, and protect employees from harm. Many have registers full of cash, and other expensive items like computers and other valuable equipment. It’s vital that businesses are protected from thieves, burglars, and other criminals. Thankfully, we have law enforcement agencies which provide trained police officers to safeguard these businesses and maintain order.

Police help keep businesses safe

Officers make an effort to introduce themselves personally around the neighborhoods they patrol. You’ll often see them dropping by local shops and restaurants to say hello, grab a coffee, and chat with the folks working there.…

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4 Ways to Keep Your Sales Growing

If you want your business to make more profit this year than it did the last, you need strategies in place that boost sales. At its core, sales is all about building relationships with people, whereby you solve a problem or fulfil a need of theirs. This relationship requires trust, communication and the ability to relate to others easily.

4 strategies to keep sales growing

You can build more relationships and strengthen existing ones by demonstrating your expertise, asking your customers questions and telling the story that makes your company unique and trustworthy. By expanding your online reach and offline network, you attract more paying customers. And, those people will recommend your product or service, and even draw in potential partners that can provide more lucrative opportunities.…

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Driving While Impaired – Meaning, Standards, and Penalties

Are you using vehicle for running your business? If so, make sure you’re paying close attention to what you and your staff is doing on the road.  Specifically, your compliance with the laws and regulations related to DWI and OUI.  What are those, and why complying to those matters?


Driving while impaired (DWI) is a serious crime in the state of Massachusetts that carries with it some harsh punishments. The reason being, driving while impaired due to alcohol, which is referred to as operating under the influence (OUI) under Massachusetts law, claims the lives of over 10,000 Americans every year according to the National Highway and Safety Administration.…

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Everything You Need to Know About an Architecture Intern and Future Architectural Roles

Internship is one of the most effective ways – not only for receiving a degree, but also for getting ready for a successful career.  In some industries like architecture, internship programs are highly competitive – which became one of the reasons for us to prepare this article.

Read on to learn more about architectural internship.

Architecture interns discussing

Who is an architectural intern?

An architectural intern is a trained person who has the necessary skills, knowledge, and expertise to help in an architectural office before they have received their degree. They have not yet undertaken the required examination.

The internship is a necessary course undertaking that requires an individual to experience industrial training, which is entirely different from the theoretical training.…

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Building a Career as Photographer: 5 Tips to Make Your Photography Stand Out

With photography being a great love for many people, it can be difficult to make it a successful career, let alone business. These days, practically anyone can take out their smartphone and take a quick shot of the sunrise.

Photography as a career or business

For those who want to make photography their main source of income, there are a few tricks you should learn to make your photography stand out against your competitors. This article will list a few of them.

1. Look For Connection

Before you send your photo to the next photo contest for inspection, you should first determine if there’s a story in your photo.…

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How to Find and Hire Employees Who Can Think Critically

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have a need for employees who are able to think critically and make smart business decisions. Why does it seem like those people are increasingly rare and hard to find? How do you go about recruiting them and putting them to work for your company?

Let’s discuss viable strategies for finding critical thinkers and adding them to your team.

Hiring employees with critical thinking skills

Ask Interview Questions That Require Candidates to Demonstrate Their Critical Thinking Skills

It’s easy for job seekers to prepare scripted answers to the most frequently asked interview questions. If you want to get a valid idea of how candidates think, avoid asking the usual questions like “tell me about your greatest weakness” – a question that most applicants will have prepared a canned answer for.…

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