Your Computer Network, Under the Hood: What Kinds of Coaxial Cables Are There?

If you are one of those people who prefer their connection to be of the ethernet kind, then you most certainly had to extend it at some point. Because, let’s be honest, whatever default package you get is bound to become inadequate after some time, right? A lot of people choose gigabit ethernet over coax to upgrade their connection, but not a lot of people actually have any substantial knowledge about the various coax cables that exist, nor their applications.

Wiring in a house

Coaxial cables are actually a significant factor in various industries, and not all of them are good for everything! If you ever think about going all DIY on this topic, you will need to be able to tell them apart.…

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6 Tips for Using Video as Part of Your Content Marketing

Video should be an essential part of content marketing for any business that wants to enhance its reputation, and grow its customer base, online. It’s the best way of communicating with potential customers directly and showing them how the business relates to their lives.

Creating video marketing content

You can choose to create your own marketing videos, or hire a professional to do the work for you. Whichever option you choose, you need to think carefully about how you can best get results from the content you produce. For instance, you may want to use video conversion so that you can include historical content and, tell a story up to the present day.…

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The Importance of Timing the Market (for Investment Purposes)

Timing the market means knowing when to buy at the lowest price and sell and the highest price. If it was really that easy, however, then everyone would be doing it. In actual fact, knowing exactly when to buy and when to sell it incredibly complicated. Whilst some investors still believe it is impossible to properly time the market, many more feel it is the key to strong investment and stronger returns on those investments. It involves a lot of patience and a lot of predictive insight, but the benefits often outweigh the challenges.

Time stock investments wisely

Below, we’ll examine exactly why timing the market is possible, why it’s so important for investment purposes and what top tips investors should keep in mind.…

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10 Steps to Building a Successful eCommerce Website

On average, millennials make 54% of their purchases online and that number is only going to grow even more. This digitalization of sales makes building an e Commerce website a lucrative and potentially life-changing decision.

Browsing ecommerce website


If you choose the right niche and advertise aggressively, your ideas might take off and bring you unfathomable success. As enticing as this idea seems, there is a lot to be done before you can celebrate.

First and foremost, building your own ecommerce website takes time and a significant amount of growing pains. Follow these 10 steps to turns your eCommerce ideas into reality and achieve astounding sales numbers.…

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Is Slow Website Speed Driving Away Your Audience? (Infographic)

Is your website not doing well despite your best efforts? You’ve put your heart and soul into the content, worked hard on great on-page SEO, and you’ve written a thousand guest posts to get traffic. Yet, somehow, you’re still struggling to maintain a steady audience.

Slow website

It could be a problem with your site’s speed. Slowness is an issue plaguing thousands, if not millions, of websites. Most websites need some form of speed improvement so it’s highly likely that poor speed is afflicting your website too.

Even if you don’t see the effects of slow speeds or you don’t even know your site is slow, you might have a problem.…

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Utilizing IP Scanners for The Business

Whether you’re a small or large business, ip scan needs to be conducted. It’s used to protect your network from inside and outside threats. And through this guide, we’ll help you find out if ip scanning is the right network maintenance method for you.

IP scanning

The purpose of ip scanning are:

  • Recognizing valuable TCP and UDP network services that run on the targeted hosts.
  • Recognizing filtering systems between the targeted hosts and users.
  • Determine the operating systems by assessing IT responses.
  • Evaluate the target’s TCP sequence number to determine the TCP spoofing and sequence attack.

In Depth: Network Scanning

To go further, network scanning consists of vulnerability scanning and port scanning.…

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How To Implement Knowledge Management At Your Organization

Every company in the world has information, data and knowledge. Managing all this knowledge, or Knowledge Management, without getting a headache can be overwhelming. That’s why there are systems in place that will collect this data, store it in a database, and manage that data like a well-oiled car. Here is a brief guide for implementing KM in your organization.

Knowledge Management System

1. Know What It Is

Knowing what a knowledge management system (KMS), and how it functions, will make it easier for you to implement later down the line. Even though it plays a small role in Knowledge Management (via the utilization of KM within the organization), it is an important one.…

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What Free Shipping Means to Your Customers

Customers want free shipping. Amazon has forced the issue, pushing retailers to offer free shipping on products. The customers of today expect shipping to be fast, and if you’re in a niche where other retailers are offering free shipping or better prices, you’ll need to offer the same perk to compete.

Free shipping

One study suggests that 90% of consumers say that free shipping is the incentive to shop online.

People want to shop online because it allows for shopping day and night, but if shipping is too costly, these shoppers will go to ground stores.

If you’re a small business owner, free shipping may mean the difference between your customers going to Amazon or shopping on your site.…

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Guide to Track Your SEO Rankings to Analyse Growth

If you have incorporated SEO in your digital marketing efforts, you need to have a plan for it. Experts often advise that your SEO plan should be measurable using SEO rank tracking tools or any other applicable tools/methods. It makes all the sense in the world. This is because it is the only way that you will be able to know whether or not your SEO strategy is working.

SEO rankings growth

photo creidt:

With that, you will be able to determine the plans that need revision and the strategy that you need to do away with. The following is a guide that will help you get started with tracking SEO ranking to analyze growth.…

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Young Pros – What to Do to Get the Best Out of an Online Course

With almost everything porting to the online space today, one will be left wondering what is not accessible online. At the current pace of technology, you can even take online courses today. This is especially beneficial for those that don’t have the time to travel to and from office.

You can take online courses in places like e-Careers, where numerous courses are offered such as an online bookkeeping course. Such courses are as good as those held offline. Some people who have taken online courses have been proven to display more competence than those who haven’t.

taking online course

Here are a few pointers to make the most out of online courses:

Self-discipline required

You should be disciplined enough to stick to your study hours and the course you’re taking.…

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