5 Benefits to Working with Real Estate Agents

Not working with a real estate agent can be tempting. You might do some reading and decide that you know enough about it to just do it on your own. Plus, you won’t have to worry about losing money on a realtor’s commission if you do the work yourself. This seems like a good idea, but this isn’t something you want to handle alone.

Real estate agent on the phone

Many people go wrong when they try to buy or sell a home without a real estate agent. There are plenty of things in life you know that you aren’t qualified to do, so you hire a professional.…

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The Benefits of Using Accounting Software for Business

Running a business requires that you pay attention to many financial details. And, even though you may find it entirely possible to manage your personal finances without using any specialized software, managing business finance is far more time-consuming if you’re trying to do everything on your own.

Accounting software benefits

Hiring an accountant to look after the books for you is a popular option, but if it’s not in your business budget, you might be wondering if there’s anything else that you can do to make balancing the books easier without having to go through everything manually.

Accounting software products are designed specifically with business owners in mind, and offer a wide range of advantages including:


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5 Ways to Stimulate Questions During Your Panel Discussions

Panels attract attention primarily because of their speaker lineup—the audience attends because they want to hear the individuals in question weigh in on a certain topic. So, it’s easy to forget the importance of the glue that holds it all together: the moderator.

Comic Con panel discussion

photo credit: Gage Skidmore / Wikimedia

Moderator may be a more understated role than panelist, but it’s quite literally the make-or-break factor on whether a panel is successful in achieving its goals and engaging the audience.

When you’re moderating a panel, your biggest responsibility is to stimulate great questions—these are the gateways to insightful answers. Keeping things flowing with quality questions gets panelists engaged, which in turn gives audience members a reason to care and retain what they’re learning.…

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3 Reasons Why Your Company Should Have a Staff Retreat

Work has an emotional pull that keeps people checking their emails and worrying about work even when they’re supposed to be resting. In the midst of all this stress, it’s becoming clear that taking a real break is as good for business and for the employees who operate it.

Staff retreat to the mountains

Retreats let everyone reflect

When every day is the same, creativity suffers. Taking time to reflect not only refreshes you physically, but it also frees your mind to be creative. It’s not at all uncommon for a business to have certain habits for no better reason than “that’s the way we’ve always done it.”…

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Benefits of Hiring a Temp Agency for Your Texas-based Business

Want to avoid the hassle of performing recruitment or selection process by yourself? Well, then hire the services of a temp agency for your Texas-based business. Plus, the hiring process takes a lot of time, resources, and energy. So, if these are the things you are looking to avoid, hire the services of a temp agency for your business and enjoy the following top benefits.

Staffing agency

Who Is A Staffing Agent?

Staffing agencies, sometimes known as temp agencies, are companies that bridge the gap between job seekers and employers. With a staffing agency, you have a partner who will get you a pool of employees to sort your short-term staffing interests.…

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10 Things You Might Not Know About Python

Python is everywhere! No, we’re not talking about the longer, non-poisonous, slimy reptilian cousin of your average garden snake, but rather the programming language that has by and large taken over the IT industry.

Python programming language

If you are a developer, you know what I am talking about and chances are you already ‘speak’ Python and if you are not, you can just take a short Python course and be able to learn it easily owing to its reputation of being one of the easiest programming languages in the world. But even if you are a veteran, do you know everything about it?…

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Plug your Business Directly into the internet with a Leased Line

Is the internet fast enough yet? For many of us, our broadband speeds are satisfactory. Our needs are met, our patience isn’t tested. For some organizations however, the limitations of broadband, even superfast business broadband, remain a frustration.

Leased line Internet

In 2019, the internet is long past the early adoption phase and well into maturity. There are young people entering the workforce who may not even remember the days before the internet. Some might not even remember dial-up connections!

Perhaps those that remember the dial-up days can’t bring themselves to feel discontented with being able to stream 4k video without any buffering. But this could lead them to miss the potential opportunities an even faster connection would create for their business.…

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A Small amount of Backup Power can go a Long Way

As the old saying goes – a little bit of something can do you good. Some level of preparation for a power outage is better than none and can cost considerably less than you might think. People making preparations for power outages often decide to back up their whole electrical load, but is this really necessary?

Backup power electricity

I’ll argue it’s not a firm requirement. Like many things’ situation determines the best response and a thorough and thoughtful analysis can often lead to better outcomes. Deciding on the requirement to backup the whole load can be a much more expensive job; large power-hungry systems can hugely increase the size of any back up solutions, such as a diesel generator.…

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7 Things You Didn’t Know About Starting a Small Business

Going into business is both exciting and daunting, and if you get bogged down in trying to cover all the details before you’ve opened your doors (real or virtual) you’d likely put yourself off starting up.

That said, there are certain things you may not know or have perhaps underestimated about starting a business.

Salon business using POS system

1. Certain tech and equipment aren’t luxuries

Quite rightly you should look to minimize expenditure and avoid spending on equipment and services you may not need, but certain aspects aren’t luxuries; they’re necessities to compete:

Sales and inventory systems – efficient transactions of retail sales are expected now, so investing in modern POS (Point of Sale) systems is important.…

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The Importance of PCI Audits

Data breaches are more prevalent today than ever before. A data security report compiled by Verizon shows that in 2016, there were 80,000 data security issues. Unknown to many businesses, most cyber attackers take advantage of website and system vulnerabilities that are easily preventable. If your business has little to no data breach protection, it is at a high risk of exposing crucial data to malicious third parties.

PCI audit on credit card processing system

One of the easy ways of avoiding data security breaches is being PCI compliant. A PCI compliance audit can help to ensure your customers’ sensitive data, such as credit card information, is safe.…

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