Surefire Ways to Keep Your Business Afloat During a Financial Crunch

Owning your own business is not as easy as some people think. It is actually a 24-hour job, especially when you’re just starting to grow your business because you have to think about so many things, from marketing plans, employee schedules, stock supplies, and more.

Keeping business afloat during crisis

But, of course, the financial rewards and the fulfillment that you get from managing something that is entirely your own cannot be beat. This is the main reason why there are many businesses in the world. Owning your own company is very rewarding, although it does entail a lot of work.

Some companies that are more stable, who want to grow and expand even more, consider going public.…

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3 Essential Employee Investments to Boost Your Business

Customer satisfaction should obviously be one of your company’s most significant priorities, and while it’s vital that you keep them happy, it’s important that you look inwards too. Your staff is your most crucial assets as, even with an incredible product or service, success is hard to come by without a happy, high-performing team. As Richard Branson once famously said: “Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”

Team development through employee investments

While it can be difficult to focus on team development amidst the day-to-day pressures of running a business, you’ll be rewarded for taking the time to do so.…

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How Email Marketing for Business can Help You Make Your Dreams Come True

Any business with involves an online presence needs email marketing to grow. Email marketing is crucial because it improves your revenue, increases your communication, and reach significantly, is measurable, flexible, and scalable.

Email marketing campaign tactics

Email marketing can do much more. Here is how email marketing for business can help you achieve your dreams.

1. People use email a lot

People everywhere in the world use email in one way or another. This mass usage of email makes email marketing a great channel to sell your products and services. Chances are your target audience, and anyone you come across uses an email.

Email is different from other marketing channels such as broadcasting and print in that it offers direct communication with the target audience.…

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AMP for Emails as a New Word in Email Marketing

We surely don’t like to remind unpleasant things – but anyway, do you remember that anxiety we felt up to 2019 spring? We even thought of reeducation as it seemed that the email marketer profession is about to extinct back then. Dozens of forecasts stated that outdated email format itself will be replaced by advanced new-fashioned communication channels.

AMP for email

In March 2019, Google released AMP for Email. This brand new technology is a part of the whole Internet AMP-powered reload that is in the constant process of implementation now. Since that day, things changed completely – and we, the email marketers, are not scared of the dark future anymore.…

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5 Best Offsite Meeting Ideas To Inspire Your Employees

Despite business owners’ efforts to set up the best offsite meetings, many employees dread attending them. As a business owner, you might want to host one of the few great offsite meetings. After all, your company’s success could depend on it.

Conducting off-site meeting

These meetings are a great opportunity to build relationships. However, if you fail to plan a fun and exciting yet educational meeting with your team, you will improve your company’s productivity levels.

Read this post to learn about the best offsite meeting ideas to inspire your team.

Revisit Your Company Values

One of the best ways to inspire your team is to revisit your company values.…

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5 Ways To Grow Your Small Business

Whether you are launching a startup or have spent several years establishing your business, growth is essential for success. Every small business, regardless of which industry it is in, benefits from generating new clients as well as encouraging repeat customers to purchase products or services again.

Boutique owners discussing strategy

Implementing these five strategies is an excellent way to grow your business quickly to help it reach its full potential.

Develop a Comprehensive Understanding of Your Target Audience

Before you even launched your business, you determined who your target audience was. However, it is not enough simply to know who your products or services appeal to.…

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5 Tips to Help You Manage Remote Employees Effectively

Managing employees situated in different locations around the globe isn’t easy. Hiring remote workers has a number of challenges. Reviewing their work and providing timely feedback is can be difficult since you can’t physically monitor them.

Busy remote worker

But most businesses (especially startups and small companies) find hiring remote employees to be very beneficial. Here are some of the benefits:

  • You can hire top talent regardless of the location
  • Remote workers are often more productive than office workers.
  • You’ll save plenty of office expenses

If your company has multiple remote workers, it will be a challenge to keep all of them coordinated and productive.…

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Mirai: Now with TOR

Botnets, a collection of Internet-connected devices compromised by malware and under the control of a botnet “herder”, pose a significant threat to the cybersecurity of both the owners of the devices and the rest of the Internet at large.

Mirai botnet MUD

photo credit: Obsydistone / Wikia

The security impacts of botnets for the Internet arise from the fact that they are designed to be used to amplify the botnet herder’s ability to perform large-scale cyberattacks. A common example of this is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack, where many devices work together to overwhelm and take down an organization’s website. As botnets grow larger and easier to create, organizations increasingly need to deploy robust DDoS protection solutions to help protect their Internet presence.…

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6 Reasons Your Business Needs the Help of a Staffing Firm

One of the most critical parts of running a business is hiring the right people. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for permanent employees or part-time, per-project workers, you’ll always need the most competent people to get the job done. This is one of the primary purposes of an HR department: finding the best human resources that will help your organisation achieve its goals.

Staffing firm

However, there are also plenty of reasons you should consider getting the help of a staffing solutions firm to hire talent. In fact, it may even be the best course of action you can take. Below, we identify just a few of the myriad ways a professional staffing firm can benefit your business.…

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5 Ways to Improve your Skills as a Business Leader

If you are a business manager or leader, it is important to stay ahead of the game in your niche. It can be all too easy to become stuck in a set way of thinking and carrying out business processes, yet being flexible and adaptable to change is essential if a business is to thrive in a changing market.

Business leadership skills

Here are some quick tips to sharpen and improve your skills as a business leader.

1. An Open Mind

Being open-minded means that, as a business leader, you are available to new opportunities and ways of doing things. Even if some of your business processes are already successful, it doesn’t mean they can’t be improved upon.…

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