Steps to Organize Your Small Business

When you operate a small business, there’s a lot that you’re juggling at any given time. You may feel like you have your hand in a little bit of everything, even if you have employees.

It can quickly get overwhelming and be tough to keep up with everything unless you have a system for organization in place.

Tidy and clean office

An organized business is important for several key reasons. First, when your business is organized you’re going to be operating at a peak level of efficiency, which will improve productivity. You’re also likely to see higher revenue because you’ll be better equipped to build long-term relationships with your clients when you’re organized.…

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Preparing to Go into Business with Someone: What To Consider

Entering into a business partnership can be life-changing in a positive way, but also a negative way. Too often, there are big problems that arise down the road because business partners don’t do their due diligence on one another, or they ignore red flags.

Choosing business partners

A strong business partnership can mean that the two of you bring together complementary skills and backgrounds to improve the success of your business. A business partner may also bring financial benefits to the situation. However, a business partnership can quickly turn sour without the necessary steps being taken upfront.

The following are things to know and do before you go into business with someone.…

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7 Tips to Master Your Next Performance Review

Performance reviews are an extremely useful technique for employers and employees. Employers use them as a basis for raises and to address any ongoing challenges. Meanwhile, employees can use a performance review as a guide for enhancing their career potential and productivity.

Conducting performance reviews.

For both parties, a performance review can be an awkward, nerve-wracking experience. By using these tips, you can master your next review and make the most of the experience.

Know What to Expect

When it comes to being nervous, one of the best ways you can relax is by knowing what will actually happen. Read through the steps involved in giving a performance review.…

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Creative Ideas to Improve Your Employees’ Wellness

When you run a business, one major goal is to retain your best workers in the long run. Employee wellness programs help you do this by rewarding and taking care of your employees. In addition to improving your compensation package, wellness programs can help reduce absenteeism and encourage productivity.

Company fitness program

These kinds of programs are in high demand among today’s job seekers, so it is extremely important to put them in place. If you are struggling to think of the right ideas for your company, the following wellness ideas can help.

Healthy Cooking Classes

Whether you are trying to appeal to full or part-time employees, classes are an excellent way to reward them.…

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Here’s Why Employee Engagement Should Be a Priority

Companies that want to be more effective and productive need to place a higher priority on employee engagement. Failure to do so typically results in a combination of poor performance and high turnover rates.

Business leader fostering employee engagement

There are many benefits to focusing on employee engagement. Here are six of them:

1. It Retains Your Talent

One of the primary benefits of high employee engagement is the retention of valuable talent. When employees feel a strong bond with their employer and identify with the employer’s purpose and mission, they are more likely to remain in the company’s employ.

Additionally, satisfying work and a clear development plan will produce a sense of loyalty that a pay raise will never be able to achieve.…

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Why Pitney Bowes’ SendPro Online Service Makes Sense to Business Owners

Small to medium-sized business owners face a plethora of unique challenges that usually involve obstacles including cost and time. When it comes to shipping, small business owners are definitely caught at a crossroads between needing a reliable shipping solution and needing a budget friendly option. Many small businesses have shipping needs that send them on a quest to find the cheapest shipping carrier, whether it be USPS, UPS, or Fedex. This is a burden that costs business owners crucial time and money.

SendPro Online by Pitney Bowes

Many current shipping solutions seem to cater to larger companies only. While there are some shipping savings that can come into play, most business owners would be shocked to see that they can’t just do everything within the fee they pay.…

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Why Online Reviews are Important for Businesses

The online world has brought so much to our fingertips, from our weekly food shop to researching into our next holiday destination. One area in which it’s having an increasingly pronounced effect is the public perception of businesses, turning the internet into a forum that enables consumers to base their purchasing decisions on the opinions of like-minded individuals. Although word of mouth has always been essential to a business’s fortunes, it’s now easier than ever for companies to be made or broken by the wisdom of crowds.

Online reviews are important

Yet, some small businesses—particularly offline ones—still place little importance on online reviews, despite the impact they can have, let alone worry about whether these reviews are positive.…

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5 Ways to Get Free Business Advertising

The question has been asked by many people and businesses – How to get free advertising for your business?

Luckily, there are a lot of free ways you can advertise your business. Please note that it’s recommended you do this even if you’re already doing paid advertising. Free advertising can still be good advertising if you’re doing it properly.

Free business advertising

Here are 5 ways to get free business advertising.

1. Utilize Social Media

You probably already use social media for your personal needs and you know it’s free. It’s also free to create an account for your business, a page, a group, and more.…

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5 Ways to Improve Customer Lifetime Value for Your SaaS Business

Customer lifetime value is one of the most important metrics to measure for any company wanting to improve sales or scale-up. SaaS companies find it is even more critical to their success than anything else. Every type of software relies heavily upon the customer experience, measuring every aspect of it from usage of the app to customer service itself.

Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)

With happy customers and a low churn rate, SaaS companies can achieve incredible CLV and revenue growth.

There are several different ways you can calculate customer lifetime value. You could use the Customer Service Metrics Calculator offered by HubSpot. Or you could take a more straightforward approach by calculating your annual earnings and dividing it by the number of customers that your company served over that time.…

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What Are the 5 Types of Accidents Covered Under the Defense Base Act?

Based off of an extension of the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act, the Defense Base Act serves a very specific purpose. It provides compensation for medical benefits, death benefits and more to eligible employees. Unlike the LHWCA, the Defense Base Act has several restrictions on which accidents are covered, and which workers can collect payment.

Wet floor caution sign

The often-complicated nature of the paperwork leads to workers depending on the help of Defense Base Act legal teams. They provide a network of information that is needed to navigate the rough road to recovery.

5. While Driving

When driving on the job, an accident can change everything.…

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