The Future of Cobots in Business

With massive technological advancements always coming thick and fast, we can expect more incredible things every day. When we think about the future of technology, we often think about robots. Whilst we might not have flying cars yet, there’s definitely a future for robots within business.


photo credit: YouTube

With the long term worry that the advancement of robots will mean a loss of jobs for human beings, many companies are developing collaborative robots (or “cobots”) designed to work alongside and in close proximity with humans to make our lives easier and help free up the workforce for jobs only humans can do.…

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5 Tips for Concluding Business Contracts

Almost every business enters a written contract sooner or later, and they only grow in importance as your business grows too. The future of your business relationship is defined the moment you draft the contract, which oftentimes represents a daunting task.

Business contract negotiation

Whether you turn to professionals or draft contracts yourself using legal document software, a well-crafted agreement can help you secure your business and avoid potential breaches of contract and business disputes. Here are five tips that will make the process of concluding your next contract a walk in the park.

1. Write out your contract using a simple language

Even though verbal agreements are binding and are enforceable in most courts, they can end up creating a disaster for you if you do end up in court.…

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Charities You Should Pay Attention to in 2021

Have you ever wanted to make a charitable donation to a good cause, but didn’t know where to donate, which organizations are best, or even how much to give? These are common questions that many people ask, and continually search for online daily.

Supporting charities

When it comes to options available, there are plenty of opportunities for giving back. Such methods include donating, launching a fundraiser, or doing a spontaneous action of goodness. You can also suggest contributing cash to a hospital or a non-profit group.

And before you reach a choice as to whether to donate, take out enough time to identify a charity you support.…

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Investing in Technology According to Jeff Brown’s Near Future Report

Jeff Brown shares his insight by simplifying technical details to help subscribers make immediate gains from the market in his “Near Future Report.”

Tech stock investing

Industries in the information field, including telecom, electronics, automobiles, and computer components and applications, have shares in tech stocks.

Tech stocks have one of the highest growth potentials, but like most high-yield investments, they carry significant risk.

Since many tech companies are expensive, retail investors can benefit the most by investing in technology-oriented mutual funds and ETFs and minimizing overall risk.

Tech Stocks

There are many topics related to technology stocks in the world of investing: “Who is lagging in technology exchanges?”…

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5 Must-have Features for B2B Websites

Every B2B business needs a website, as it is an essential part of doing business online in this digital age. While there are so many features you can add to your website, adding a lot of features not only confuses your visitors, but also makes your website heavier and slower. This is why it is so important to choose only the features that would benefit your business the most.

Browsing B2B website

Below, we look at the key features a B2B business must have to provide users and visitors with the best experience possible.

Bulk Ordering

B2B customers place larger orders than individual customers.…

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Understanding Contractual Disputes: How to Seek Resolution

If you find yourself in a situation where you are dealing with a contractual dispute, you need to ensure that you take the right course of action. Understanding the options available to help you to resolve your contract dispute is the first step in preparing your case.

Contractual dispute resolution

Contracts are used in many day-to-day transactions to ensure that both parties involved in the transaction uphold their end of the bargain. When the parties in a contract have conflicting ideas as to what the terms of the contract entail, a contractual dispute occurs. In this situation, one party will typically seek damages or specific performance from the other party.…

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How to Fit in a Remote Team – What a Founder Says

Entrepreneurs always worry if remote employees would fit into the company culture. We understand the concern, as working remotely is quite different from gathering at an office.

Remote team meeting

It’s easy and natural to blend in when we meet face to face. A new employee comes to your office, meets your staff, and starts interacting within days. They may need a week or a month, but ultimately any new employee fits into your workplace culture soon enough.

Remote work puts a cap on the number of interactions you have. Coming together on video calls for collaborating for a few hours is not enough.…

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Upcoming Changes and Predictions for the Manufacturing Industry in the Next Five Years

The year 2020 was a tumultuous year for jobs, the economy, and industries as the world struggled to cope with the impact of COVID-19 on business and daily life. However, there’re reasons to be optimistic about the future, particularly if we are talking about the manufacturing industry.

Manufacturing trends

photo credit: Alex Freeman / Pixabay

Despite over 60% of manufacturing companies feeling the impact of coronavirus on their operations, a recent study showed that most manufacturing companies had modest growth in revenue during the pandemic. Not only that, but evidence suggests that demand for products has never been higher.

Over the next few years, we expect to see a number of changes in the manufacturing industry.…

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Mass Email Marketing: 7 Tips To Do It Right

Bulk email or mass email marketing is the practice of sending huge volumes of email to subscribers with a single purpose. This is to reach out to many customers and increase the return-on-investment (ROI) of an email marketer through increased sales or engagement.

Mass email marketing

But an email marketer can’t just send bulk emails from the get-go. There are rules to follow before doing so, and the first step is IP warming. Find out its importance, how to do it, and the other strategies to follow for a successful mass email marketing.

1. Make sure you do IP warming

You need to build a reputation first.…

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How Can Your Business Improve Digital Marketing?

Many businesses now rely on their presence online to boost their growth, such as generating new customers and sales. Modern technology has allowed small businesses more freedom in successfully marketing their products. Nowadays, for a company to thrive, an online presence is crucial. Most businesses have a website and social media, so how can you make yours stand out?

Digital marketing for business growth

Digital marketing is a great and cheap way to get your business noticed by potential customers. There are many types of digital marketing techniques from SEO to social media marketing, and it’s important to do your research to target your desired audience.…

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