How to Advance Your Career in Real Estate

Imagine you’re presented with a deal. It is promising to be the best one in your life. However, you must seize it right now and right away or risk losing it.

Real estate agent on the phone

What are your thoughts? The answer is clear; you will jump at the chance of becoming wealthy beyond your dreams and won’t give a second thought to what is on the table.

But this is actually how many people think about starting a career in real estate. They are so thrilled about the prospect of being their own boss that they decide to be impulsive and jump into it without a well-planned roadmap.…

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Stepping Up Your Amazon Business

Anyone running an online business needs to consider the benefits of selling and advertising on Amazon. In addition to being the world’s largest online retailer, Amazon has a whole ecosphere designed to keep shoppers engaged and shopping on the platform.

Amazon delivery boxes

There are benefits to selling at Amazon compared to other platforms, but there are considerations that advertisers need to be aware of, specific laws and regulations in other countries that may be different. A quick review of those laws to be compliant and considering outsourcing specific considerations like an Amazon importer of record to protect inventory and from potential liability are necessary.…

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5 Key Ingredients to Building a Great Workplace

As a small business CEO, you want to succeed in your industry. But your success depends in part on the people who work for you.

Flexible business team

Creating a company culture that people love to work for takes some effort. You’ll need to see beyond numbers and industry standards. You’ll need to look at the people who work for you as individuals with unique backgrounds, skills, and needs.

By seeing your workers as people and giving each person an opportunity to learn and grow, you can begin to build a great workplace.

1. Focus on the People

It’s easy to get focused on outcomes, processes, and the work.…

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6 Must-Haves for the Serial Business Traveler

Traveling for business means that you are making connections all over the place and hopefully landing big accounts for your company. Meeting face to face with clients and potential clients has a lot of rewards. That personal touch can make or break a sale.

Serial business traveler

For the serial business traveler, hotel hopping will wear you down after a while. But these travelers know that there are critical things that make the traveling smoother and simpler no matter where you go. Going from airplanes to rental cars to hotels to business meetings and back again becomes a process that with the right apps and tools becomes much simpler.…

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How to Spend Less and Make More in Your Start-Up

Are you looking for smart tips to tackle expenses, spend less, and make more in your start-up? Whether you’re just beginning, or are a little further, you know that you need to be passionate and smart to succeed. That’s why it helps to keep these five tips in mind for launching a successful small business.

Startup money management

Ditch the Debt Habit

If you’ve had a habit of putting everything on credit, this bad habit may be catching up to you. It’s tempting to put things on a card when you’re starting. But, over time this practice can help you drown in debt, pay extreme amounts of interest, and prevent you from achieving your goals.…

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Shipping Logistics for Beginners

Shipping logistics is a complex topic with endless jargon to master. This article will give you an introduction to the basics of shipping logistics and how they can be used in your business or career.

Shipping logistics

What is Logistics?

Shipping logistics refers to the process of moving goods or products involved with transportation between countries, which includes addressing, storing, packing, and delivering them. These industries are often grouped by proximity, like the UPS and FedEx companies.

Shipping logistics within a country are often referred to as freight shipping. Freight shipping involves moving goods from one location to another, from a manufacturer to a wholesaler or retailer.…

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4 Ways to Build a Better Cybersecurity Culture

Cyber-Security is much more than a matter of IT. – Stephane Nappo.

Cybersecurity is a global problem that needs all hands on deck. The above quote signifies that it is a concerning matter not only for IT but for almost every industry that stores data on the web.

Cybersecurity culture

As of January 2022, there are more than 4.66 billion Internet users globally, and this number continues to grow, along with the number of cyber attacks targeted at both individuals and businesses. An Accenture study revealed that 78% of business owners believe that cybersecurity risks are increasing.

To make organizations less susceptible to attack, cybersecurity must be a top priority.…

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8 Steps to Building a B2C Marketplace That Will Succeed

Virtual marketplaces are thriving, and new platforms are popping up all over. Yet, few of them can challenge industry leaders. Discover 10 steps that will help you create and launch a successful e-commerce business in 2022.

B2C online marketplace

What Is an Online B2C Marketplace?

These platforms enable companies to sell directly to consumers. Discover key features of b2c marketplaces in detail explained by experts. As of today, Amazon, eBay, and Facebook are the most prominent examples of the model. By 2028, this global segment is expected to be worth 7.65 trillion US dollars, according to Grand View Research.

Shoppers appreciate the convenience, security and increasingly personalized experience on popular platforms.…

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How to Clear Browser’s Cache on a Mac?

If we consider the websites that we browse, usually most of our attention is directed at the same few websites. This is where cache comes in handy, as it prevents us from having to load up the entire web page from scratch each time, despite the fact that much of it is the same every time.


Cache is like temporary storage on our Mac, where it will remember images (i.e. the banner of the web page), HTMK, CSS, and JavaScript. These can speed up the amount of time it takes to load pages, but it can also become a problem after a while.…

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Roland BN-20a for T-Shirt Printing

T-Shirt printing businesses are popping up all over America. According to reports, the digital printing market is valued at a CAGR of 6.45 percent over the forecast period 2021- 2026.

Roland BN-20A printer

photo credit: Colman & Company

The Roland BN-20a is poised to be the biggest winner amongst the start-up companies in 2022. Here’s a look at whether the Roland VersaStudio BN-20a is a suitable machine for starting print-on-demand or your own custom t-shirt printing business.

Why Is This Printer Cutter Right For Start-Ups?

Entrepreneurs know that a successful new business walks a fine line between specialization and generalization. The BN20a gives you the ability to pick a niche like Sports Teams or High Schools.…

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