5 Steps to Developing an International Business Strategy

In today’s era, once companies attain local market success, they look toward international expansion to capitalize on the massive purchasing power of global markets. It allows them to expand their customer base, partner with industry giants, and improve product lines, all the while accelerating growth.

International business strategy

photo credit: Artem Beliaikim / Pexels

When it comes to growth, companies are often tempted to consider global high-performers such as Shell, IBM, BMW, and GE as role models. The problem is that these global leaders are much easier to idolize than mimic. Nonetheless, businesses of all types can reap the benefits of the international marketplace by leveraging eCommerce tactics, franchising, strategic alliances, and whatnot.…

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4 of the Best Digital Marketing Tips for Small Businesses

Digital marketing is essential for modern businesses, but seeing as larger companies have higher advertising budgets, they conduct their marketing differently from smaller businesses. Digital marketing offers small businesses an excellent opportunity to compete with larger firms.

Digital marketing

photo credit: Pixabay

As more digital technologies emerge and online communication increases, digital marketing will become even more critical. Below are a few digital marketing tips for small businesses:

Get Your Website Right

Your website is the central platform through which you will interact with people online. To start, you should improve the user experience and site navigation on your website. The better the experience, the easier it is to make a purchase.…

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The Advantages and Disadvantages of Working with a Mortgage Broker

If you are in the process of buying a house, you might be feeling a mix of emotions. Behind the excitement and sense of anticipation, there is likely to be a lot of confusion and stress. There is a huge amount of time and money that goes into the process of buying a home. You might be wondering whether a mortgage broker is a necessary expense.

Working with a mortgage broker

Want to know the advantages and disadvantages of working with a mortgage broker? Read on to find out.

They Take Control of Using Their Expertise

A mortgage broker serves as the in between. They work with both you, the buyer, and the bank that is offering the loan, in order to get you approved for your mortgage loan.…

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SEO Checklist for Small Businesses: 10 Ways to Boost Rankings

What is The Purpose of SEO for Small Businesses?

SEO for small business

First, let’s make sure you understand what SEO (search engine optimization) is before we go into the services an SEO business offers. SEO is seen by many business owners as a mystery that only those with inside expertise can crack open.

Even if an SEO service agency will have the inside expertise that you don’t have, it’s important to know the basics and break it down into simple concepts:

Because search engines want to be the most trustworthy information source on the internet, they base their algorithmic rankings on the behaviour of users.…

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Your Guide to Car Crash Back Injuries to Avail Better Settlement

Back injuries occur when the lower back, upper back, or the spine are injured. Back injury can lead to permanent paralysis or cause serious nerve damage. In some cases, back injuries may be as minor as a tissue rupture or small sprain. But in some cases, a spinal cord injury can be chronic. It can keep you in bed for a few months, years, or maybe even longer.

Personal injury lawyer studying cases

Many car accidents usually result in serious back injuries. Many costs are involved in treating these injuries. So you need a good back injury lawyer, who can help you understand the next steps and help hold the responsible party liable.…

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3 Basic Backup Plans for Freelancers

As a freelancer, you won’t have any help when something goes wrong. You can’t call the IT department when your computer stops working, and you need to get it fixed as soon as possible. You can’t call the accounting department when you don’t get your money on payday. And you certainly can’t ask your manager to move to a different cubicle when your workspace is inaccessible. You’ll have to deal with these problems all on your own.


photo credit: Anna Shvets /  Pexels

To guarantee that you don’t panic when something goes wrong, you should set up these three backup plans:


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How to Protect Your Money in a Divorce? 

Our discussion today will include the division of property after a divorce, how property is divided in a divorce, and how the partition of a house is handled in a divorce, among other things. Because separating a couple’s assets is never a pleasant experience, understanding the ins and outs of the law can help to make the process a bit less stressful while also contributing to a more amicable outcome.

Plenty of money

Bringing a couple’s financial resources together is one of the most difficult obstacles they will encounter when they first begin living together. There are a variety of reasons for this, and it is not uncommon for one spouse to have a significantly different financial perspective than the other, which may make things more difficult (especially if one saves and the other spends money).…

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How To Set Your Startup For Success

So you have a product idea that you think fits a need in the market. Whether it’s business-to-consumer (B2C) or business-to-business (B2B), your product is the reason you created a startup in the first place.

Startup success

photo credit: Kindel Media / Pexels

The Field Of Dreams Delusion

But how do you know that your business will be a success?

You can’t just “Field of Dreams” the business. In the 1980s, a movie with Kevin Costner titled “Field of Dreams” was about an Iowa corn farmer that kept having dreams about a baseball field where all the stars of baseball’s history and lore would play.…

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5 Signs Your Website Needs An SEO Audit

Search engine optimization (SEO) forms an integral part of marketing. It involves all strategies you can employ to enable a website to rank high on search engines. It increases the visibility of your brand. For that reason, you’ll likely gain more customers and sales.

SEO audit

You can invest heavily in SEO marketing. But sometimes, it can reach a point where you’re not getting good results. That requires you to do an SEO audit to know where you need to improve or make changes.

Here are signs your website needs an SEO audit.

1. You Noticed Low Engagement With Your Online Content

Experts will tell you that content is the backbone of digital marketing.…

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